Carbohydrates of N-(4-Morfolin-2-il)phenyl)-1H-Pirazol-(3-5)-Carboxida or N-(4-Piperidin-3-il)phenyl)-1H-Pirazol-(3-5)-Taar1-related receptors; preparation procedures; drug synthesis and use for the treatment and/or prevention of such diseases For example, depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and so on.
Compounds derived from N - (4 - (2 - (IL) - phenyl) - 1H pyrazole carboxamide (3 or 5) - or N - (4 - (3 - piperidin yl) phenyl) - 1H pyrazole - (3 or 5) - carboxamide; to obtain Pharmaceutical composition; Process; and / or use in the treatment and prophylaxis of diseases such as Depression, bipolar disorder, alzhe IMER and Parkinson's, among others.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE N-(4-MORFOLIN-2-II)FENIL)-1H-PIRAZOL-(3 O 5)-CARBOXAMIDA O N-(4-PIPERIDIN-3-IL)FENIL)- 1H-PIRAZOL-(3 O 5)-CARBOXAMIDA DE FÓ;RMULA: AFINES A RECEPTORES ASOCIADOS A TAAR1; PROCEDIMIENTO DE PREPARACIÓ;N; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA Y USO EN EL TRATAMIENTO Y/O LA PROFILAXIS DE ENFERMEDADES TALES COMO DEPRESIÓ;N, TRASTORNO BIPOLAR, ALZHEIMER Y PARKINSON, ENTRE OTRAS.<;/p>;