Crystalline polymorphine of 2-(5-bromo-4-(4-cycloacrylonitrile-1-IL)-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-sulfur) sodium acetate; preparation methods; drug synthesis; and use in the treatment or prevention of hypertension or diseases caused by high concentration of acid.
N refers to 2 - (5-bromo-4 - (4-cycloacrylonitrile-len-1-il) - 4h-1, 2, 4-triazol-3-aldehydes) in crystalline form a; nbs refers to 2 - (5-bromo-4 - (4-cycloacrylonitrile-len-1-il). Composici amp; oacute; n Pharma amp; eacute; Utica S amp; oacute; Lida understands this. a. Keywords for treatment or prevention; oacute; type N polyuria, or diseases caused by high concentration and amperage; Aacute; acid and amperage; uacute; Rico; and a method for preparation of polymorphine;[Chinese explanation]: ampere, NBS, lt, / P gt<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UN POLIMORFO CRISTALINO DE LA FORMA A DE 2- (5-BROMO-4-(4-CICLOPROPILNAFTA LEN-1-IL )-4H-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-3-ILTIO) ACETATO ; DE SODIO. COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA SÓ;LIDA QUE LO COMPRENDE. SU USO PARA EL TRATAMIENTO O PREVENCIÓ;N DE HIPERURICEMIA O UNA ENFERMEDAD CAUSADA POR NIVELES ELEVADOS DE Á;CIDO Ú;RICO, Y UN METODO PARA PREPARAR DICHO POLIMORFO.<;br />; ;<;/p>;