Compound 5-(3,4-dichloro-phenyl)-N-(2-hydroxy-cyclohexane)-6-(2,2,2-trifluoride-tetraethyl)-nicotine as an agent for increasing high cholesterol concentration; the formation process of compounds; drug synthesis; and the use of tracers for treatment or prevention, namely tracers, degreasing, diseases. Among other things, cardiovascular diseases.
The Compound 5 - (3,4-dichlorophenyl) - N - (2 - hidroxiciclohexil) - 6 - (2.2.Trifluoroetoxi Nicotinamide, 2)Useful as an agent that increases HDL cholesterol; process to obtain the compound, Pharmaceutical Composition and its use for the Treatment or prophylaxis of Atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia,Cardiovascular Diseases, among others.<;p>;COMPUESTO DE LA FÓ;RMULA<;br />;SUS FORMAS ISÓ;MERAS V SALES FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES DEL MISMO, PROCESO DE OBTENCIÓ;N,<;br />;COMPOSICIONES FARMACÉ;UTICAS QUE LO CONTIENEN Y USO COMO MEDICAMENTO PARA EL TRATAMIENTO V/O<;br />;PROFILAXIS DE ENFERMEDADES QUE PUEDEN TRATARSE CON AGENTES QUE ELEVAN EL COLESTEROL HDL, COMO SON<;br />;CON PREFERENCIA LA DISLIPIDEMIA, LA ATEROSCLEROSIS Y LAS ENFERMEDADES CARDIOVASCULARES.<;br />; ;<;/p>;