An engine is operated toproduce exhaust emissions containing carbonnano soot therein which are injected into asolubilizing tank containing nitic acid andcarbonic acid in a water solution for solubilizingthe carbon nano soot as carbon nano tubes. Agas flow exiting the tank is captured such thatsome water and some solubilized carbon nanotubes are carried with the gas flow forsubsequent delivery to a plant growing medium,either directly or by storing the water andsolubilized carbon nano tubes carried with the gasflow in a tank for subsequent application. Thesolubilizing tank may be supported onagricultural seeding implements or sprayerimplements for direct application to crop coveredground. In an irrigation system, the gas flowfrom the solubilizing tank is directed towards acondensing tank for subsequent application ofthe condensate to a plant growing mediumwith irrigation water.