ХАРТИ Эдмонд Патрик Ст. (IE),ХАРТИ Эдмонд Патрик Мл. (IE),ХАРТИ Джон (IE)
1. A rotating milking platform, comprising a platform defining an upwardly facing main surface onto which the animal becomes during milking and forming a plurality of animal places around the platform, and a device for feeding the teatcup and attaching it to the nipple of the animal, subject to milking, is located in each place the animals, and each device contains support means installed under the platform next to the corresponding place the placement of the stomach and the milking cup holder for fixing the milking cup, wherein the milking cup holder is mounted on an appropriate support means and configured to fix the milking cup under the animal in a ready state, while the milking cup is ready to move upward from the milking cup holder for attachment to the nipple animal. 2. The rotatable milking platform according to claim 1, wherein the holder of the teatcups of each device is located under the main surface of the platform facing upward. The rotatable milking platform according to claim 1, wherein the holder of the teatcups of each device is configured to fix the teatcup in a ready state, with at least a portion of the teatcup located above the main surface of the platform. The rotating milking platform according to claim 1, in which the holder of the teatcups of each device can be optionally activated in the first state for fixing the teatcup in the protected state and in the second state for fixing the teatcup in the state1. Вращающаяся доильная платформа, содержащая платформу, ограничивающую обращенную вверх главную поверхность, на которую животное становится в процессе его доения, и образующую множество мест размещения животных, расположенных по окружности вокруг платформы, при этом устройство для подачи доильного стакана и прикрепления к соску животного, подлежащего доению, расположено в каждом месте размещения животных, причем каждое устройство содержит опорное средство, установленное под платформой рядом с соответствующим местом размещения животного, и де