federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Severo-Zapadnyj gosudarstvennyj meditsinskij universitet im. I.I. Mechnikova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya R
Travkov Dmitrij Anatolevich (RU),Травков Дмитрий Анатольевич (RU),Vereshchako Anatolij Vladimirovich (RU),Верещако Анатолий Владимирович (RU),Manukovskij Vadim Anatolevich (RU),Мануковский Вадим Анато
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medical equipment, specifically to neurosurgery, in particular to an implanted hybrid endofixator with an adjustable interbody element and a device for its adjustment and installation, and can be used in treating cervical spine diseases and injuries. Hybrid endofixator with adjustable interbody element includes a bent plate with holes for screws, contains two side shafts located on the plate and a screw of the stop plate. On each side shaft with proximal to the plate side is movable relative to the shaft is a front roller, and from the distal rear roller, besides, the locking plate screw is screwed into the stop plate, where the rear rollers rest against, and on the side shafts there are splines intended for adjustment of the rollers. In compliance with second version, hybrid endofixator with adjustable interbody element comprises bent plate with holes for screws, comprises a head on the plate, crowned with connected to two front rollers on their sides and a hollow shaft connected by crown connection to the front roller, having internal thread, through the heads and the shaft locking screws screwed into threaded channels of the rolls are passed, Besides, on heads and heads of lock screws there are splines for adjustment of rollers. In the third version, the hybrid endofixator with an adjustable interbody element includes a bent plate with holes for screws, contains two side shafts located on the plate and a screw of the stop plate. On each side shaft with distal side relative to the plate there is a rear roller, and on the screw of the stop plate proximal to the plate there is an unpaired ventral roller, besides, a locking plate is fixed on the screw of the retaining plate, in which the rear rollers rest, and on the heads of the ventral roller, shafts of the dorsal rolls and the screw of the stop plate, there are splines for adjusting the rollers. Device for adjustment and installation of the above endofixato