A bone implant matrix comprising: a) a base matrix treated with b) a reinforcement mixture as a homogeneous coating, finely dispersed throughout the surface of the matrix, said reinforcement mixture containing at least one polymer and at least one component additional selected from cellular nutrients, cell growth promoters, cell adhesion promoters, osteoinductors, osteointegrators, "substances beneficial to the cell": a substance that is capable of promoting cell rooting and cell growth, stimulating cell proliferation and tissue integration, wherein the base matrix is a demineralized, non-demineralized, decellularized bovine bone matrix, the polymer of the reinforcing mixture is a biodegradable polyester or copolymer thereof, the "beneficial substance for the cell" is selected from the group consisting in gelatin, hydrolyzed gelatin, and where the reinforcement mixture is obtained from d The solutions, each of them made of a soluble polymer, which is the biodegradable polyester or copolymer thereof, and an agent, which is hydrolyzed gelatin or gelatin, that promote cell implantation, growth and proliferation, and tissue integration, respectively, immiscible with each other, but made partially miscible by adding an alcohol or other suitable solvent in each of them; in order to obtain a fine and homogeneous molecular dispersion of the components.Una matriz de implante óseo que comprende: a) una matriz base tratada con b) una mezcla de refuerzo como un recubrimiento homogéneo, finamente disperso en toda la superficie de la matriz, conteniendo dicha mezcla de refuerzo al menos un polímero y al menos un componente adicional seleccionado de nutrientes celulares, promotores del crecimiento celular, promotores de la adhesión celular, osteoinductores, osteointegradores, "sustancias beneficiosas para la célula": una sustancia que es capaz de promover el enraizamiento celular y el crecimiento celular, estimulando la proliferación celular y la integración tisular, en donde la m