1. Painted solution containing at least one perfluorocarbon as a solvent and a colorant, and dissolved in a perfluorocarbon selected from the family of fluorinated phthalocyanine derivatives obtained by substituting one or more hydrogen atoms H, associated with a benzene ring by a fluorine atom or fluorinated groups for use in surgical methods for treating humans or zhivotnyh.2. Colored solution according to Claim. 1, wherein the colorant is soluble in perftoruglerode.3 directly. Colored solution according to Claim. 1, where a dye is dissolved directly in perftoruglerode.4. Colored solution according to Claim. 1, wherein the perfluorocarbon is only rastvoritelem.5. Colored solution according to any one of claims. 1-4 for use in a surgical method for vitreoretinal hirurgii.6. Colored solution of n. 5, for use as retinal tamponady.7. Colored solution of n. 6, where during surgery colored solution was injected into the rear chamber, and it acts as a temporary tamponade for unfolding and stabilization setchatki.8. Colored solution of n. 7, where the colored solution is removed upon expiration of a predetermined period of time after injection, and wherein the colorant present in the colored solution provides a clear distinction between the actual structures of the colored solution and the eye, the distinction facilitates the complete removal of the colored rastvora.9. Colored solution containing at least one perfluorocarbon chosen from perfluorooctane, perfluorodecalin and perftorfenantrena as solvent and dye dissolved1. Окрашенный раствор, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один перфторуглерод в качестве растворителя и краситель, растворенный в перфторуглероде и выбранный из семейства фторированных производных фталоцианинов, полученных посредством замещения одного или нескольких атомов водорода H, связанных с бензольными кольцами посредством атома фтора или фторированной группы, для применения в хирургических способах для лечения организмов людей или животных.2. Окрашенный ра