Procedure for flavoring and aromatization of fried potatoes and installation for the implementation thereof (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
Procedure for flavoring and aromatization of chips and installation for the implementation thereof. In one chamber two compartments (1, 2) are placed, superimposed, connected by an intermediate draining screen (3), the upper compartment (1) being intended to receive the chips to be treated and provided with an outlet duct (8) with its corresponding closing key (9), while in the lower compartment (2) an inlet conduit (16) opens into which a filter (18), a compressor (19), a dehumidifier (20) are established, a heater (21) and finally two tanks (26, 27) supplying the essential oils and complementary fixer, with their corresponding closing keys (28, 29). Controlling the flow of air entering through the access conduit (16), its temperature, the times of action and the proportions of the additives, the flavoring and aromatization is achieved in the upper compartment (1) of the chamber, without appreciate the existence or presence of any condiment external to the potatoes themselves. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)Procedimiento para saborización y aromatización de patatas fritas e instalación para la puesta en práctica del mismo.En una cámara se establecen dos compartimentos (1, 2), superpuestos, relacionados mediante un tamiz escurridor intermedio (3), estando el compartimento superior (1) destinado a recibir las patatas fritas a tratar y provisto de un conducto de salida (8) con su correspondiente llave de cierre (9), mientras que en el compartimento inferior (2) desemboca un conducto de entrada (16) en el que se establecen un filtro (18), un compresor (19), un deshumidificador (20), un calefactor (21) y finalmente dos depósitos (26, 27) suministradores de los aceites esenciales y complementario fijador, con sus correspondientes llaves de cierre (28, 29). Controlando el caudal de aire que entra por el conducto de acceso (16), su temperatura, los tiempos de actuación y las proporciones de los aditivos, se consigue la saborización y aromatiz