BUROBIN;BUROBIN, Sergei Nikolaevich;БУРОБИН, Сергей Николаевич; Sergei Nikolaevich
BUROBIN, Sergei Nikolaevich,БУРОБИН, Сергей Николаевич
An underwater coffin (1) for burial in bodies of water is proposed comprising: a rigid, elongate, watertight housing (2); a cavity inside the housing for accommodating the body of a deceased person; and an aperture provided in one of the elements of the housing and allowing the cavity inside the housing to communicate with the external surroundings. What is novel is that the design of the coffin (1) additionally comprises a filter mounted in the aperture and containing a porous filter material (10, 14) that is capable of allowing water from a body of water to pass into the housing and to exit therefrom and is a substrate for bacteria, microorganisms and/or microscopic aquatic organisms capable of feeding on the decomposition products of human body tissue and/or on by-products thereof. A filter is also claimed for filtering the water exiting the cavity of the housing of the coffin (1), said filter comprising perforated screens (11) with a porous filter material (10, 14) therebetween which is a substrate for bacteria, microorganisms and/or microscopic aquatic organisms capable of feeding on the decomposition products of human body tissue and/or on by-products thereof. The invention makes it possible to prevent contamination of a body of water with decomposition products.L'invention concerne un sarcophage (1) destiné à un ensevelissement sous-marin qui comprend: un corps (2) réalisé de manière à être dur, allongé et perméable à l'eau; une cavité du corps réalisée dans le corps pour accueillir le corps d'un personne morte; et une ouverture réalisée dans l'un des éléments du corps et permettant au corps de communiquer avec l'espace extérieur. La nouveauté consiste en ce que la structure du sarcophage (1) comprend également un flltre monté dans l'ouverture et comportant une charge poreuse filtrante (10, 14) capable de laisser passer l'eau du bassin vers la cavité du corps et la laisser sorti et constituant un substrat pour les bactéries, les micro-organismes et/ou les hyd