Water-based Pesticide suspension comprising an agricultural Chemical product or its Salt, a Surfactant type Polycarboxylate,A sulfonate type Surfactant and Water; a method which includes Stabilizing the State of suspension of an agricultural Chemical product or its Salt.
Water-based Pesticide suspension comprising an agricultural Chemical product or its Salt, a Surfactant type Polycarboxylate,A sulfonate type Surfactant and Water; a method which includes Stabilizing the State of suspension of an agricultural Chemical product or its Salt.<;p>;Suspensió;n pesticida de base acuosa que comprende un producto quí;mico agrí;cola o su sal, un tensoactivo del tipo policarboxilato, un tensoactivo del tipo sulfonato y agua; mé;todo que comprende estabilizar el estado de suspensió;n de un producto quí;mico agrí;cola o su sal.<;/p>;