Ingredient for consumption and application is created in various methods and forms so that the ingredient is available for the consumer in a convenient, effective, and efficient manner. The ingredient includes plant ingredient, chinese medicine, nutritional ingredient, health ingredient, cleansing ingredient, and food additive. Ingredient for consumption and application comprising at least one ingredient. The ingredient having nutrients including carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants; having medicinal properties; and having cleansing properties. The ingredient is in form selected from group consisting of skin, skinned, unskinned, unshelled, cut, uncut, extract, juice, sauce, liquid, oil, gel, jelly, wax, cream, paste, powder, thin layer, small particles, small and large pieces. The ingredient can be uncooked; and cooked by method selected from group consisting of deep frying, sun drying, roasting, baking, steaming, boiling, grilling, and frying. The ingredient can be added to various fabric and medium.