The present invention relates to a manufacturing and storage device for water beneficial to the human body and plants, leaving only minerals necessary for the human body, copper, and plants through mutual organic processes of ultrasonic, magnetic force, heating, and cooling along with the vertical dropping of water and the swirling process of water. This is to minimize and ionize water molecules so that they can be stored. The present invention emits far-infrared rays by passing raw water (1) through a heated gemstone (2) to make charged particles float, and water with charged particles flows through the first conduit (3) to the third conduit (5). After passing through the process of vertical dropping and whirling of water while passing through, it is cooled to a constant temperature through a cooler (8) in a finely crushed state through an ultrasonic generator (7), and then converted into clean water through an ultraviolet sterilizer (9). It is to be stored in the storage 10, the first sensor (S1) and the second sensor (S2) for detecting the water level in the upper and lower ends of the storage (10) is installed, the top of the storage (10) obliquely Air supply pipe 12 having a first valve (V1) for injecting air is installed, and at the bottom of the reservoir (10), air intake with a second valve (V2) for controlling the inflow and outflow of water It is made of a discharge nozzle (14) that is moved according to the adjustment of the nozzle (13) and the screw socket (15) to adjust the distance between the air intake nozzle (13).본 발명은 인체 및 식물에 이로운 물 제조 및 저장장치에 관한 것으로, 물의 수직낙하 및 물의 휘몰아치는 과정과 함께 초음파, 자력, 가열 및 냉각의 상호 유기적 과정을 통해 인체 및 동, 식물에 필요한 미네랄만 남기고 물의 분자를 최소화 및 이온화시켜 저장할 수 있도록 한 것이다.본 발명은 원수(1)를 가열기(2)를 통해 가열된 원석을 지나가도록 함으로써 원적외선을 방출하여 전하입자를 띄게 하며, 전하입자를 띈 물이 제1관로(3) 내지 제3관로(5)를 통과하면서 물의 수직낙하, 휘몰아치는 과정을 통과 후 초음파발생부(7)를 통하여 미세하게 분쇄된 상태에서 냉각기(8)를 통해 일정온도로 냉각된 후 자외선 살균기(9)를 통해 깨끗한 물로 변환되어 저장소(10)에 저장되도록 한 것인바, 상기 저장소(10)의 상하단에 물의 수위를 감지하기 위한 제1센서(S1) 및 제2센서(S2)가 설치