Государственное научное учреждение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт агролесомелиорации Россельхозакадемии (RU)
Жданов Юрий Михайлович (RU),Васильев Юрий Иванович (RU)
A method of creating shelter belts comprising plantage tillage for planting trees not the entire width lesopolosy (with inclusion between rows and zakraek), but only in areas directly arrangement rows planted in the forest trees, with a certain pitch, - the width, the value of which depends on the desired square power of various trees and is determined by the formula: B = πD / 4L, where B - width of the treated soil area for planting rows of trees in the forest D - diameter of the tree feeding area and its root growths howl system for plowing soil throughout lesopolosy width (with inclusion between rows and zakraek) L - length of the wood supply area zones and expansion of its root system in the soil treatment directly at the locations of rows of plants, adequate nutrition area zone during plowing soil throughout lesopolosy width , with the placement of the plants in the rows with a pitch L, equal to or greater than the length of the square power zone trees planted in rows with the width of the treatment zone of the soil, equal - B, wherein the soil treatment and planting forest strips generators t, and for cultural care support a special shape of the transverse profile of the soil surface lesopolosy: in plant rows - concave (moisture-accumulating) in the form of grooves, and between rows - convex (stokoobrazuyuschuyu) as a shaft, whose shape is defined by the following formulas: - concave - vypuklayagde h- current value of a number of recesses in lesopolosy h- maximum value among the recesses lesopolosy L- pit width in the row h- current value of the shaft height in aisle lesopolosy h- maximum height of the shaft in the aislesСпособ создания полезащитных лесных полос, включающий плантажную обработку почвы под посадку деревьев не на всю ширину лесополосы (с включением междурядий и закраек), а только в местах непосредственного расположения рядов высаживаемых в лесополосе деревьев, с определенным шагом, - на ширину, величина которой зависит от необходимой площади пита