The invention relates to the area of drying sunflower seed and grain of higher grade, and to cooling and ventilation of grain in process of storage, and can be used in agriculture, foodstuff and chemical industries for container drying bulk materials. The appliance for container drying bulk materials includes heating-blast unit, distribution channel with vertically separated sections equipped withgates connected with the outlet ends to bottoms of removable containers. Each of gates is spring-supported to cover of the inner cavity of separated section and connected with controlled con-rod to lever with free end contacting outside with the support section of container, and the open end of each separated section is arranged as shock-absorbing flange with going in cone-like centrator mounted of tabs connected at axle, at that the flange is equipped with mechanism of space orientation, this is mounted of uniformly separated over flange spring-supported telescopic, at least three, beams with hinged ends, one of tho