Aerator moving system capable of increasing oxygen of water at different locations in the pond without additional manual operation to save overall operation cost
The invention relates to an aerator moving system, which comprises an aerator for pumping oxygen into water through rotation of an impeller or pumping of a pump so as to increase oxygen content of water and a moving system connected to the aerator for driving the aerator to increase the oxygen content of the pond water along a predetermined route according to a predetermined rail. The moving system includes a first sliding rail. The first sliding rail includes: at least two fastening mechanisms for fastening other devices, wherein one of the fastening mechanisms includes a pulley and the other one includes another pulley or a winding machine, and at least one pulley or the winding machine is driven by a first motor, so that, when rotating, the first motor drives the at least one pulley or the winding machine to rotate and a cable wire surrounding the pulley or the winding machine of each fastening mechanism to form a loop. When the pulley or the winding machine is rotated, the cable wire is synchronously rotated, so as to drive the aerator to increase the oxygen content of the pond water along a predetermined route according to a predetermined rail.一種增氧機移動系統,包含:一增氧機,係經由葉輪的轉動或幫浦的抽送而將氧氣抽送到水裡面以增加水的含氧量;一移動系統連接到該增氧機,用於驅動該增氧機依據既定的軌道,而將該增氧機沿著既定的路徑對池水增加含氧量。其中該移動系統包含一第一滑軌裝置,該第一滑軌裝置包含:至少兩固定機構,用於固定其他的元件;其中一固定機構中包含一滑輪,另一固定機構則包含另一滑輪或一捲線機;其中至少一滑輪或捲線機為一第一馬達所驅動,當該第一馬達轉動時即可帶動該至少一滑輪或捲線機轉動;一鋼索,繞過各該固定機構的滑輪或捲線機而形成一迴路;當該滑輪或捲線機轉動時,該鋼索也跟著轉動,所以驅動該增氧機,依據既定的軌道,而沿著既定的路徑對池水增加含氧量。10‧‧‧增氧機15‧‧‧葉輪20‧‧‧滑輪30‧‧‧馬達40‧‧‧移動系統51‧‧‧第一滑軌裝置60‧‧‧固定機構65‧‧‧鋼索67‧‧‧連接端