Provided is a centrifugal activation, aeration, and oxygenation machine, comprising a driving device (5), a negative-pressure oxygen supply pipe (2), an outer pipe (1) having several water inlet holes (6) and sheathing the negative-pressure oxygen supply pipe (2), a pressurizing flow-guiding pipe assembly (8) disposed at the bottom of the outer pipe (1) a tapered centrifugal propeller (3) connected to the driving device (5) and embedded in the pressurizing flow-guiding pipe assembly (8), the space between the upper middle tapered body and the upper tapered body of the tapered centrifugal propeller (3) forming an upper water inlet channel of the tapered centrifugal propeller (10), the space between the lower middle tapered body and the lower tapered body forming a lower water inlet channel of the tapered centrifugal propeller (11), and a negative-pressure oxygen inlet channel (12) connected to the negative-pressure oxygen supply pipe (2) being provided between the two water inlet channels (10, 11). The aeration and oxygenation machine automatically creates negative pressure and guides external oxygen in to mix with water and create oxygen microbubbles that are then dispersed to the larger surrounding area.Linvention concerne une machine dactivation, daération et doxygénation centrifuge, comprenant un dispositif dentraînement (5), un tuyau dalimentation en oxygène à pression négative (2), un tuyau externe (1) comportant plusieurs trous dadmission deau (6) et gainant le tuyau dalimentation en oxygène (2), un ensemble de tuyaux de guidage de flux de pressurisation (8) disposé dans la partie inférieure du tuyau externe (1), ainsi quune hélice centrifuge conique (3) reliée au dispositif dentraînement (5) et encastrée dans lensemble de tuyaux de guidage de flux de pressurisation (8), lespace entre le corps conique intermédiaire supérieur et le corps conique supérieur de lhélice centrifuge (3) formant un canal dadmission deau supérieur (10), lespace entre le corps conique i