federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Severo-Zapadnyj gosudarstvennyj meditsinskij universitet im. I.I. Mechnikova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya R
Kiryanova Vera Vasilevna,Кирьянова Вера Васильевна,Marchenkova Mariya Ivanovna,Марченкова Мария Ивановна,Kadurina Tamara Ivanovna,Кадурина Тамара Ивановна
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: for treatment of adolescents with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, a medicamental effect is provided, including vitamins, amino acids and chondroprotectors. In addition, narrow-band optical radiation with a wavelength of 620-760 nm is applied to the paravertebral regions labially using the Spectrum LC-02 apparatus. The exposure lasts 6-10 minutes, 3-5 minutes per field. 1-2 hours after, medicinal copper electrophoresis is carried out for 15-20 minutes with electrodes location according to the method of S.B. Vermel, using the "Elfor-Prof" apparatus. Electrodes are located in the interscapular region and on the posterior surface of shins. The electrode with the area of 300cm2 is located in the interscapular region, connected to the anode and the pad beneath it is wetted with a 2% solution of copper sulfate. A split electrode, each with the area of 150 cm2, is placed on the back surface of the shins and connected to the cathode. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures, conducted every other day.EFFECT: method provides correction of connecting-tissue exchange due to a reduction in of glycosaminoglycans and pirilinks D levels in daily urine and the downward trend in the oxyproline level, as well as improved efficiency of treatment by reducing weakness, headaches, pain in back and legs, improved endurance of physical and mental loads, improved performance.2 tbl, 3 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к педиатрии и физиотерапии, и может быть использовано для лечения подростков с недифференцированной дисплазией соединительной ткани. Для этого проводят медикаментозное воздействие, включающее витамины, аминокислоты и хондропротекторы. Дополнительно воздействуют узкополосным оптическим излучением с длиной волны 620-760 нм на паравертебральные области лабильно с помощью аппарата «Спектр ЛЦ-02». Воздействие осуществляют в течение 6-10 минут, по 3-5 мин на каждое поле. Через 1-2 часа после этого проводят лекарственный электрофор