Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Institut mozga cheloveka im. N.P. Bekhterevoj Rossijskoj Akademii nauk (IMCH RAN)
Kholyavin Andrej Ivanovich,Холявин Андрей Иванович,Gurchin Aleksandr Feliksovich,Гурчин Александр Феликсович,Nizkovolos Vladimir Benevich,Низковолос Владимир Беньевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely neurosurgery, and can be used for surgical treatment of patients with temporal epilepsy. To this end, trepanation of the temporal bone is first performed and stereotactic sounding, localization and stereotaxic cryodestruction of epileptic foci in the medial part of the temporal lobe are performed through the hole in the dura mater. By means of a sticking electrode located on the hard shell of the brain, the result of suppressing the epileptogenic activity of the temporal lobe of the brain is evaluated. And if the reduction of epileptogenic activity is obtained, the neurosurgical operation is terminated. If epileptogenic activity continues to persist, then within the same neurosurgical operation go to the second stage. At this stage, with the help of an adherent electrode, additional zones of the temporal lobe of the brain are localized, not subjected to cryodestruction and involved in epileptogenic activity, and resection of these zones with encephalographic control by means of an adherent electrode and topographic monitoring by a frameless navigation system is carried out.EFFECT: method provides an effective treatment for epilepsy with a simultaneous decrease in the volume of resected brain tissue, and also avoids damage to sensitive structures adjacent to the mediobasal areas of the temporal lobe, and thereby reduce the likelihood of concomitant complications and side effects.1 cl, 2 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к нейрохирургии, и может быть использовано для хирургического лечения пациентов с височной эпилепсией. Для этого вначале осуществляют трепанацию височной кости и через отверстие в твердой мозговой оболочке проводят стереотаксическое зондирование, локализацию и стереотаксическую криодеструкцию эпилептических очагов в медиобазальных отделах височной доли. Посредством расположенного на твердой оболочке мозга прилипающего электрода оценивают результат подавления эпилептоген