1. The diagnostic ECG system for displaying myocardial infarct size, comprising: a source of ECG lead data signals ECG analysis module, responsive to the data lead ECG signals, that outputs the parameters related to myocardial infarction polar diagram segments anatomically corresponding to three dimensions by heart anatomical matching different areas around the left ventricle of the heart and at different levels of the left ventricle of the heart with respect to the top, wherein the plurality of segments of a visa cial distinguishable using parametric ECG data corresponding to certain positions of the anatomical heart, for which the parametric ECG evidence of myocardial infarction, wherein the plurality of segments that are visually distinguishable, provide a visual display of the size of myocardial infarction (MI) .2. The diagnostic system ECG n. 1, wherein the parameters issued by the module ECG analysis comprise at least one of the amplitude or the failure of the tooth R, amplitude or polarity of the tooth P, axial displacement vector QRS, tooth Q, tooth T or lifting ST vibrational segment EKG.3 signal. The diagnostic system of claim ECG. 1, wherein the parameters issued by the ECG analysis module further comprises parameters relating to the size and location of myocardial infarction in the left ventricle using Silvestra.4 index calculation system. Diagnostic ECG system according to claim. 3, wherein the ECG analysis unit is configured to display the location parameters in the left ventricle related to infarction size diagrammy.5 polar segments. The diagnostic ECG system n1. Диагностическая система ЭКГ для визуального отображения размера инфаркта миокарда, содержащая:источник данных сигналов отведений ЭКГмодуль анализа ЭКГ, реагирующий на данные сигналов отведений ЭКГ, который выдает параметры, относящиеся к инфаркту миокардаполярную диаграмму сегментов, анатомически соответствующих трем измерениям сердца посредством анатомического соответствия различным областям