A system and method of application and dispersion of mating disruption materials or other materials to control insect population. Disclosed is an apparatus designed to be carried by a ground vehicle, or aerial means, which implements a method of insect population control. The apparatus features one or more removable vacuum reservoirs that contain a mating disruption formulation in cylinders or bags. The vacuum bags or vacuum cylinders are seated upon one or more computer controlled peristaltic pump heads, housed in a insulated controlled environment box, that pump the material to one or more forming nozzles. Once formed the material drops into the wind stream of one or more tangential vortex type fans. Maintaining its size and shape, the mating disruption material will travel through the air field, and become attached in the trees where it will omit a flume of sex pheromones that disrupt the ability of the male insect in finding the female insect, breaking the mating cycle of the insect population. Thus serving to decrease the population by capitalizing on a weakness in the reproductive cycle of the citrus leaf miner or other insect.