The present invention relates to a composition formula of hair regrowth solution. The composition formula of the present invention is to first mix cananga odorata flower oil, sage extract, panthenol, nicotinamide, wild geranium, zinginber officinate extract, leuconostoe, and panax ginseng root extract in a predetermined ratio and then add to a base solution formed by mixing flower remedy and pure water to prepare the hair regrowth solution capable of reducing hair loss and stimulating new hair growth.一種生髮水的組成配方,該組成配方係將一定比例之伊蘭花精油、鼠尾草萃取物、泛醇、菸鹼醯胺、天竺葵精油、薑的萃取物、白錐體酵母菌及人蔘萃取液混和後,再加入由花精花波、純水混合所組成的基底液中,藉以製得能夠減少落髮並促進生成新生髮的生髮水。