The present invention relates to a method for preventing infectious diseases of Korean native bees by using a Korean native bee hive settled in loess water to breed Korean native bees, wherein the Korean native bee hive is manufactured by steps of settling a Korean native bee hive in boiled salt water containing 100 parts by weight of water and 10-20 parts by weight of salt for 1-5 minutes; drying the Korean native bee hive which has been settled; secondly settling the Korean native bee hive which has been naturally dried in salt water containing 100 parts by weight of water, 5-30 parts by weight of loess and 5-30 parts by weight of salt for 1-5 minutes; and drying the Korean native bee hive which has secondly been settled. In addition, the present invention relates to a method for preventing and treating infectious diseases of Korean native bees by putting loess powder into a Korean native bee hive settled in loess water one or more times in four seasons and using the Korean native bee hive to breed Korean native bees. According to the present invention, the survival rate of Korean native bees grown in a Korean native bee hive settled in loess water is greatly high, and an infectious disease can be treated by spraying loess powder on the Korean native bee hive when a larva that has died of sacbrood, etc. is found out.본 발명은 토종벌통을 물 100중량부와 소금 10중량부 ~ 20중량부을 넣은 끓인 소금물에 1 ~ 5분간 침전시키는 단계; 침전된 토종벌통을 건조하는 단계; 자연 건조된 토종벌통을 물 100중량부, 황토 5중량부 ~ 30중량부, 소금 5중량부 ~ 30중량부을 넣은 황토가 첨가된 소금물에 1 ~ 5분간 2차 침전시키는 단계; 2차 침전된 토종벌통을 건조하는 단계로 제작되는 황토물에 침전시킨 토종벌통을 토종벌 사육에 사용하여 토종벌의 전염병을 예방하는 방법에 관한 것이다.또한, 상기 황토물에 침전시킨 토종벌통 내부에 황토 가루를 사계절에 한 번 이상 분말 형태로 넣어 토종벌 사육에 사용하여 토종벌의 전염병을 예방하는 방법하고 토종벌의 전염병을 치료하는 방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명에 의하면, 황토물에 침전시킨 토종벌통에서 키운 토종벌의 생존율이 비약적으로 높으며 낭충봉아부패병 등으로 죽은 애벌레 발견 시에 황토가루를 토종벌통에 분무하여 전염병을 치료할 수 있다.