Natural salmorejo instant preparation, with the following percentage of mass of ingredients: 65-50% bread crumbs, 25-15% tomato powder, 10-5% oil, 8-5% garlic powder, 5-3% vinegar, and 4-2% salt, characterized by being obtained from the following stages or procedure: - A first stage in which the packaged mixture is prepared and consists of the following sub-steps: i. the mixture is made by adding the vinegar to the breadcrumbs progressively while stirring the mixture to homogenize it; ii. the mixture is filtered, passing it through a sieve to free it of possible lumps, with the aim that it incorporates the vinegar completely; iii. are added successively in dry, while stirring, garlic and salt are continued, then the oil is incorporated, and finally the tomato, continuing to stir the mixture until it is completely homogenized so that it is packaged in an impermeable and hermetic food container , ready for distribution. - A second stage in which salmorejo ready to drink is prepared by pouring 250 grams of packed product per liter of boiling water, and stirring and crushing, until it is completely uniform and homogeneous. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)1. Salmorejo natural de preparación instantánea, con los siguientes tantos por ciento en masa de ingredientes: 65-50% de pan rallado, 25-15% de tomate en polvo, 10-5% de aceite, 8-5% de ajo en polvo, 5-3% de vinagre, y 4-2% de sal, caracterizado por obtenerse a partir de las siguientes etapas o procedimiento: - Una primera etapa en la que se prepara la mezcla envasada y que consta de las siguientes subetapas: i. se elabora la mezcla añadiendo el vinagre al pan rallado de forma progresiva mientras se agita la mezcla para homogeneizarla; ii. se filtra la mezcla, haciéndola pasar por un tamiz para liberarla de posibles grumos, con el objeto es que incorpore totalmente el vinagre; iii. se añaden sucesivamente en seco, mientras se continúa con la agitación, el ajo y la sal, posteriormente se inc