1. A method of manufacturing elasticized canvas carrier for use as a continuous and coherent layer in the disposable garment, comprising the steps of: a) feeding a continuous base canvas (1) along a path in the direction of MD manufacturing semifinished movement in the machine, wherein continuous base canvas (1) has a CD direction at right angles to the direction of the semifinished product in the machine, transverse to the direction of movement MD semifinished product in the machine, and parallel side edges (5, 6) in the direction of the semifinished product movement in the machine and having respective edges of the leg portions (3) and the respective crotch portions portions (4) extending in the CD direction at right angles to the direction of movement of the semifinished product in the machine and alternating in a direction semifinished movement MD in the machine b) stretch the first and second continuous elastic elements (10, 11), c) feeding said first and second continuous elastic members in the direction of movement MD semifinished product in the machine along the first and second waveform (12, 13, ) Having regular undulations, said curves (12, 13) have the same length l waves and have ridges (14, 15) waves, directed to said lateral edges (5, 6) of said continuous base canvas (1), and trough (16, 17) waves directed from said side edges (5, 6) of said continuous base canvas (1), said ridges (14) of the waves and depressions (16) of the waves of said first waveform (12) is aligned with accurate register with said crests (15) and wave troughs (17) of the waves of said second waveform (13), the AUC1. Способ изготовления эластифицированного несущего холста, предназначенного для использования в качестве непрерывного и связного слоя в предмете одежды одноразового использования, включающий этапы на которых:а) подают непрерывный базовый холст (1) вдоль траектории изготовления в направлении MD движения полуфабриката в машине, при этом непрерывный базовый холст (1) имеет