Being the manner which measures the histamine in the epidermis, the said manner, quantizing the tonnage of the histamine in the epithelium cell because of process and make the adhesion to the adhesion goods of the epithelium cell possible process and remove the adhesion goods from the mammalian epithelium process and the selection which stick the adhesion goods on the mammalian epithelium at the time of process and the standard which measure the histamine from the epithelium cell which comes in contact with process and the said adhesion goods which select histamine from the epithelium cell which comes in contact with process and the said adhesion goods which prepare the adhesion goods making use of canonical laboratory modulo by comparison with the sampleThe process which it does and, the manner which is included. Furthermore, itchy being the manner which measures straw raincoat in Mammalia acknowledgment objectively, it is in direct proportion itchy in decrease of straw raincoat acknowledgment, decrease of the histamine from reference level exists, manner.表皮中のヒスタミンを測定する方法であって、該方法が、哺乳類の上皮に接着物品を貼付する工程と、上皮細胞の接着物品への付着を可能にする工程と、接着物品を哺乳類の上皮から取り外す工程と、抽出のために標準的な実験室法を用いて接着物品を調製する工程と、該接着物品に付着した上皮細胞からヒスタミンを抽出する工程と、該接着物品に付着した上皮細胞からのヒスタミンを測定する工程と、基準時サンプルと比較して上皮細胞中のヒスタミンの量を定量化する工程と、を含む方法。更に、哺乳類における痒みの認知を客観的に測定する方法であって、痒みの認知の減少に正比例する、基準値からのヒスタミンの減少が存在する、方法。