Открытое акционерное общество "Омский научно-исследовательский институт приборостроения" (ОАО "ОНИИП")
Рябоконь Дмитрий Селиверстович,Гаврилова Елена Николаевна,Рябоконь Татьяна Дмитриевна
Useful device model for therapeutic intervention complex electromagnetic field relates to medicine, namely to devices for physiotherapeutic impact on the entire human body. The task of a utility model - to expand the arsenal of technical equipment for physiotherapy in the rehabilitation of postoperative patients. An apparatus for therapeutic intervention complex electromagnetic field comprises a control unit, a power source, a couch formed from a dielectric, in which M has the impact of local elements. Each element effects includes an emitter formed as a planar spiral coil inductor which is a part of the vibrational LC - circuit included in the oscillator circuit, a modulator whose output is connected to the circuit of the oscillator, the control path connecting the input to the circuit of the oscillator, separate local feedback element for impact on the head, the source of the baseband signal configured in the form of audio player, in whose memory specially selected recorded musical works, each of which it is an electrical signal with a continuously varying frequency over the frequency range 20-20000 Hz and an amplitude, and a power amplifier, whose input is connected to output the audio player, and to each of N outputs connected to the input of the modulator N-th element of the local feedback, is provided with an additional electro- converter made in the form of headphones or in the form of an electrodynamic loudspeaker, the input of which is connected to one of the outputs of the power amplifier, provided with a further local element vozdeys tviya which comprises a body made of a solid dielectric in the form of panels, the surface of which is placed an emitter of electromagnetic waves in the optical range, which is in the form of M segments LED FW tapes - 5050 RGB - 60 RW, (where M = 5 ... 10), each segment fixed to the panel surface has a length of 600 mm and comprises 36 LED housings type SMD, in each of which are mounted crystals three colors - red crystal ray