FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: system of bio intensive irrigated farming on clay soils comprises closed irrigation system for watering along furrows and finely-dispersed sprinkling system. At pump inlet for water supply to irrigation system pressure pipeline for watering with finely dispersed overhead irrigation activated water generator is installed, vessels with effective microorganisms and bio dynamic preparations. Method of bio intensive irrigated farming on clay soils includes watering along furrows and finely dispersed overhead irrigation of sections with wide stationary beds, having narrow trenches, laid along their middle, and filled with vegetable remains, manure and trees residues. In autumn on wide stationary beds between narrow trenches and irrigation furrows narrow recesses are created filled with sand, irrigation section is filled with leaves or other milled plant residues. Then irrigation area is covered from fine overhead sprinkling plants with addition of effective microorganisms into activated water and in one week by activated biodynamic preparation, such as “500”. In spring crop residues are sheared from irrigation furrows on wide stationary beds and padded with sand layer, further watering from fine-dispersed sprinkling plants is performed with addition of effective microorganisms into water and then during following irrigation with biodynamic preparation, such as “500”, after blossoming watering is performed from fine plants with biodynamic preparation, for example "501". In vegetation period alternating watering is performed to moisten of entire active soil layer along furrows and soil surface layer damping by finely dispersed overhead irrigation with alternation of watering with activated water and irrigation with addition of effective microorganisms into water.EFFECT: watering along furrows.2 cl, 2 dwgСистема биоинтенсивного орошаемого земледелия на глинистых почвах содержит закрытую оросительная систему для полива по бороздам и систему мелко