1. A method biointensivnogo irrigation farming on clayey soils comprising furrow irrigation and sprinkler particulate portions with large stationary beds of having narrow trenches, laid along their middle, and filled with plant residues and residues of manure trees, characterized in that the fall in the broad stationary a ridge between the narrow trenches and irrigation furrows are narrow grooves, filled with sand, in the autumn of irrigation land is filled with leaves or other Shredders wasps Tatka surface irrigation area is watered from fine sprinklers with the addition of water activated effective microorganisms, and then after a week activated biodynamic preparation, for example, "500", the spring crop residues raked from irrigation furrows on wide stationary beds and covered with a layer of sand, then held watering of fine sprinklers activated with the addition of water effective microorganisms, and then the next watering activated biodinam cal preparation, for example, "500", after flowering carried watering of fine plants biodynamic preparation, for example, "501", during the growing period is carried alternating glaze humidification entire active layer of soil furrow and moistening the surface of the soil finely dispersed sprinkling layer interleaved irrigation activated water and irrigations with the addition of water effective mikroorganizmov.2. System biointensivnogo irrigation farming on clay soils according to Claim. 1, comprising a stationary wide beds, the edges of which1. Способ биоинтенсивного орошаемого земледелия на глинистых почвах, включающий полив по бороздам и мелкодисперсным дождеванием участков с широкими стационарными грядками, имеющими узкие траншеи, проложенные вдоль их середины, и заполненными растительными остатками, навозом и остатками деревьев, отличающийся тем, что осенью на широких стационарных грядках между узкими траншеями и поливными бороздами создаются узкие углубления, заполненные песком, осенью поливной участок засыпается лист