1. A method biointensivnogo irrigated agriculture in humid zone comprising irrigating the beds, which are laid in the middle of the trenches, filled with plant residues, from laptop Furrow irrigation pipes and installing the fogging "TOW Shokhina", characterized in that the moistening of all the active layer of soil beds alternately performed furrow irrigation water with effective microorganisms of narrow trenches irrigation located beneath furrow irrigation and moistening on the surface layer of soil and plants fog oobrazuyuschey installation magnetized and electrified water, water with effective microorganisms or biostimulyatorov.2. System biointensivnogo irrigated agriculture, including broad stationary ridges, trenches middle beds filled with plant residues, irrigation furrows system with movable ducts for furrow irrigation and fogging Fitting "TOW Shokhina" the generator magnetized and electrified water portions irrigation are limited windscreen, characterized in that the inlet of the irrigation system additionally installed capacity, filled with water or with effective microorganisms biostimulyat Hur, under irrigation furrows made narrow irrigation trench filled with pebbles, gravel, sand, limestone (chalk), tuff, the bottom portion of which is shielded reclamation film with baffles in the trenches located in the middle beds stacked residues trees on top of them a layer of plant residues manure, and on this layer - a layer of compost, the surface layer of compost beds poured, mixed with sawdust and1. Способ биоинтенсивного орошаемого земледелия в гумидной зоне, включающий полив грядок, посередине которых проложены траншеи, заполненные растительными остатками, по бороздам из переносных поливных трубопроводов и туманообразующей установкой «ТОУ Шохина», отличающийся тем, что увлажнение всего активного слоя почвы грядок осуществляется с чередованием поливов по бороздам водой с эффективными микроорганизмами из узких поливных траншей, расположенных под бороздам, и п