1. Phytocomplex for the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, including means of internal and external use, wherein the means of internal application contains collection of medicinal plants with a predominance of biologically active substances and adaptogenic effects of antiseptic for preparation of an aqueous infusion and collection of medicinal plants with a predominance of biologically active substances for the preparation of the regenerative effects alcohol tinctures and external preparation contains a collection of medicinal plants for cooking oil infusion, while the collection for the preparation of an aqueous infusion contains dried plant material, which includes: grass Repeshko grass bedstraw present, grass zubchatki red, roots calamus ordinary, grass willow-herb angustifolia, the bark of branches and buds of aspen, grass tansy, celandine grass, herb lemon balm herb lespedeza hedysareae grass chickweed, bast and branches Amur velvet, herb Artemisia scoparia, garlic, onion seed, roots lunosemyanika Dahurian, grass Knotweed grass Serpukhov crowned grass Boudreau hederacea, herb alfalfa, grass sweet grass, horsetail herb, herb nettle, barberry berries and leaves of the Amur, the roots of Solomons seal fragrant roots aralia, Schisandra berries, roots puzatki high, the roots of Sophora yellowing, licorice roots, roots shirokokolokolchika in the following ratio, weight parts: gathering medicinal plants for the preparation of an alcohol tincture contains dried and ground plant material, including St. Johns wort herb, grass cudweed, calendula flowers, Schisandra berries, grass, licorice,1. Фитокомплекс для лечения цирроза печени, содержащий средства внутреннего и наружного применения, при этом средство внутреннего применения содержит сбор лекарственных растений с преобладанием биологически активных веществ антисептического и адаптогенного воздействия для приготовления водного настоя и сбор лекарственных растений с преобладанием биологически активных веществ регенерат