It refers to the method of disinfecting the grape trees or grape trees in the nursery, including: (a) transplanting and large area of grape trees to form the grape trees in the transplanted nursery; (b) layering the grape trees in the transplanted nursery; (c) developing the grape trees in the transplanted nursery. The characteristic of this method is that it also includes the stage of rehydration for these transplant gates and large Watergates, as well as the neutral shallow water treatment for the transplant gates and large Watergates in the process of replenishment before transplantation. In addition, the application of neutral anodes inhibited the growth of specific fungi composed of Botox obtusa,Dortyrus, yellowfin tuna and othersREFERIDO A UN METODO PARA DESCONTAMINAR LOS TRONCOS DE VID O PLANTA DE VID EN VIVERO, EN DONDE DICHO METODO COMPRENDE: A) INJERTAR PORTAINJERTOS Y VASTAGOS PARA FORMAR PLANTAS DE VID DE VIVERO INJERTADAS; B) ESTRATIFICAR LAS PLANTAS DE VID DE VIVERO INJERTADAS; C) DESARROLLAR LAS PLANTAS DE VID DE VIVEROS INJERTADAS. DICHO METODO SE CARACTERIZA POR QUE COMPRENDE ADEMAS LA ETAPA DE REHIDRATAR DICHOS PORTAINJERTOS Y VASTAGOS, Y APLICAR ANOLITO NEUTRAL EN LOS PORTA INJERTOS Y LOS VASTAGOS DURANTE LA REHIDRATACION, ANTES DE LA ETAPA DE INJERTO. ADEMAS LA APLICACION DEL ANOLITO NEUTRAL INHIBE EL CRECIMIENTO DE UN HONGO SELECCIONADO DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE DE BOTRYOSPHAERIA OBTUSA, BOTRYOSPHAERIA DOTHIDEA, EUTYPA LATA, ENTRE OTROS