Федеральное агентство научных организаций Федеральное Государственное Бюджетное Научное Учреждение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт электрификации сельского хозяйства (ФГБНУ ВИЭСХ) (RU)
Антуфьев Игорь Александрович (RU),Алексеева Маргарита Игоревна (RU)
1. A phytotron solution unit containing containers, pumps and filters, characterized in that, in order to increase the accuracy of formulation and create a standardized procedure for the preparation of nutrient solutions, four types of containers with their specific functions are made, where the containers of the first type are designed for intensive and full dissolving factory fertilizers using circulating pumps, configured to switch flows through the three lower sections; containers of the second type are designed to store saturated solutions of active substances using metering pumps for dispensing solutions into a prefabricated collector; tanks of the third type are designed to create a working solution using sterilizing plants and prepare it for additional additives and general activation in a special activation module; tanks of the fourth type are made with the possibility of using them to circulate the working solution in the cultivation room. A method of preparing a working nutrient solution in a phytotron solution node according to claim 1, characterized in that, in order to standardize the procedure and improve the accuracy of preparation of formulations, the process of creating a working solution is carried out in four stages, where the first stage of dissolution of the factory fertilizers is carried out in containers of the first type at a temperature of 60 °, the second stage of the creation and storage of saturated solutions is performed in containers of the second type at a temperature of 25 °, the third stage of preparation of the working solution is implemented in containers of a third its type at a temperature of 20 ° with continuous operation of sterilizing devices, and four1. Растворный узел фитотрона, содержащий емкости, насосы и фильтры, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения точности составления рецептур и создания стандартизированной процедуры приготовления питательных растворов, выполнены четыре типа емкостей со своими специфическими функци