Installation of freezing to freeze food in blocks, particularly of Marine origin, where the food is arranged in trays before being introduced into the installation of freezingWhere that installation of freezing Device comprises a pre pressing and one or more freezers horizontal Plates (2, 3, 4, 5, 6), where the horizontal Plate freezer (2, 3, 456) has one or more horizontal freezing Plates (31): - Media to introduce trays in the pre pressing apparatus of the pre pressing Device comprises multiple horizontal shelvesIn which, in use, place the trays, and a Top plate (21), where these shelves Top plate (22) and (21) are stacked One above the other,Each horizontal shelf and where the upper plate (21) is connected with at least one Actuator such that each shelf and upper plate (21) can move vertically.And the Force actuators can provide a descendant in the use force contact of the horizontal shelves and the upper plate (21) with the trays are placed on the shelfIs; - means for transferring the trays from the shelves of the apparatus of pre pressing Plates (31) of the horizontal freezing or freezers horizontal Plates (2, 3, 4, 5,6); - one or more freezers Plates (2, 3, 4, 5, 6), where each has multiple plates of freezing (31) stacked on one another - means to empty the freezer Plates (2, 3, 4, 5,6) and Transfer tray for further processing.<;p>;Instalació;n de congelació;n para congelar alimentos en bloques, particularmente de origen marino, donde los alimentos se disponen en bandejas antes de ser introducidos en la instalació;n de congelació;n, donde dicha instalació;n de congelació;n comprende un aparato de prensado previo y uno o má;s congeladores de placas horizontales (2, 3, 4, 5, 6), donde dicho congelador de placas horizontales (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) tiene una o má;s placas de congelació;n horizontales (31): - medios para introducir bandejas en el aparato de prensado previo - el aparato de prensado previo comprende