The invention refers to a solar pest control device mainly composed of three modules: an electric head composed of solar cells, which is used to receive the energy received by the battery plate by connecting the wire mesh to the dry battery; a controller connected with the panel, which is used to stabilize the battery plate. A continuous current of 12 VCCS allows the bulb to ignite and extinguish. An electronic lighting head, consisting of a continuous device connected to a controller, with a voltage of 12 VCC, is used to change the light color of lead bulb with different wavelengths: Blue 460 nm, red 695 nm, green 525 nm,The remote control distance between yellow 610 nm and violet 400 nm is up to 20 meters. They attract insects in the wild. Two transparent glasses support the sequencer and the light bulb on its surface. They also allow the plague to hit and fall on the syrup tray. The LED light breaks down into pieces,A switch at the top of the glass is composed of two switches, one is used for perennial ignition of LED lamp, and the other is used to change the original color of LED lamp at any time. Tubular supports with control bases provide stability for the entire structure. The current invention is useful for pest control and can attract more kinds of insects as long as they feel attracted to light.La presente invencion se refiere a un dispositivo solar para el control de plagas que cuenta principalmente con tres modulos: un cabezal electrico constituido por un panel solar para captar energia que se conecta de manera alambrica a una bateria seca para almacenar la energia captada por el panel, un controlador conectado al panel que estabiliza la corriente continua a 12 vcc que permite el encendido y apagado de los focos. Un cabezal electronico de iluminacion constituido por un secuenciador que conectado al controlador recibe el voltaje de 12 vcc para cambiar el color de luz de los focos leda diferentes longitudes de onda: azul 460 nm, rojo 695 nm, verde 525 nm,