1. An absorbent article selected from a sanitary towel, an incontinence patient panty liner and a panty liner, a body facing surface and a garment facing surface, said absorbent article comprising: a top sheet layer; a back sheet layer; optional one or more intermediate layers sandwiched between said topsheet and said backsheet; a bonding adhesive applied to said backsheet facing clothing; a liquid composition ju to control the aroma or smell applied to the layer of the specified absorbent article or inside it, while the specified adhesive and the specified liquid composition for regulating the aroma or smell are applied in the form of configurations that overlap no more than 3% of the total surface of the back sheet, when the absorbent article is flattened and these configurations are visible along a direction perpendicular to the body surfaces of the article and the garment facing the garment. 2. The absorbent product according to claim 1, wherein said fixing adhesive and said liquid composition for controlling aroma or smell are applied in the form of configurations that overlap no more than 1% of the total surface of the back sheet when the absorbent product is flattened, and the configurations are visible along the direction perpendicular to the surfaces of the product facing the body and the clothes. 3. An absorbent product according to claim 1, wherein said fixing adhesive and said liquid composition for adjusting1. Абсорбирующее изделие, выбранное из гигиенической прокладки, прокладки для пациентов с недержанием и прокладки, прикрепляемой к нижнему белью, имеющее обращенную к телу поверхность и обращенную к одежде поверхность, при этом указанное абсорбирующее изделие содержит:слой верхнего листа;слой тыльного листа;необязательно один или более промежуточных слоев, заключенных между указанным верхним листом и указанным тыльным листом;прикрепляющий адгезив, нанесенный на указанную обращенную к одежде поверхность тыльного листа;жидкую композицию для регулирован