summary can hold challenges Peel and / or cut vegetables and to simplify the quality during storage, such as fruits and effectively, also to provide a high quality new retention agents such as safety. solution means sodium citrate, alum, three components of - lipoic acid or, sodium citrate, alum, - lipoic acid, used as an active ingredient, the four components of sodium tartrate, peeling and / or cut only performs a process is brought into contact with the vegetables and fruits, peeling and / or cut refrigeration of vegetables, fruits and discoloration of the normal temperature storage, such as the suppression browning, it can be easily and effectively retain its quality. None selection view要約課題 皮むき及び/又はカット野菜・果物等の保管時の品質を簡便に且つ効果的に保持できる、安全性も高い新たな品質保持剤等を提供する。解決手段 クエン酸ナトリウム、ミョウバン、α-リポ酸の3成分、あるいは、クエン酸ナトリウム、ミョウバン、α-リポ酸、酒石酸ナトリウムの4成分を有効成分として用い、皮むき及び/又はカット野菜・果物に接触させる処理を行うだけで、皮むき及び/又はカット野菜・果物の冷蔵及び常温保管時の変色、褐変などを抑制し、その品質を簡便に且つ効果的に保持できる。選択図 なし