Problem to be solved: to perform the operation for the support of the panicle which is formed from the tree and the time of the rooting induction, the separation operation from the device after rooting, and so on, it is possible to smoothly accelerate the rooting of the panicle at the low rooting rate, and it can facilitate the rooting of the panicle at a high rooting rate, and the tube is easily A rooting mechanism can be realized with a simple structure and a low cost.Closed space 12 andA supporting means for supporting and supporting the pike 100 so as to expose the whole portion of the beetle 100 formed by cutting a branch portion having a leaf from a tree of a forest tree species in a closed spaceSupport means 14 for supporting and supporting a plurality of spikes adjacent to each otherThe sprinkling means 16 for sprinkling over the entire panicle at a predetermined time interval so as to maintain the state in which water is always attached to the substantially entire whole including the leaves and branches of the spike 100 supported by the support meansIt comprises a rooting mechanism 10.Diagram【課題】樹木から形成したさし穂の支持操作の際や発根誘導に向けて管理する期間、発根後の装置からの離脱操作等の各作業を低労力で、かつさし穂を傷つけることなるスムーズに行える上、高い発根率で安定的にさし穂の発根を促進できるとともに容易に管理できる発根装置を、簡単な構造で低コストで製造できる実用性が高いさし穂の発根装置を提供する。【解決手段】閉鎖空間12と、閉鎖空間12内に設けられ林業用樹種の樹木から葉を有した枝部分を切断して形成したさし穂100全体が空気中に露出するように該さし穂100を立てて支持する支持手段であって、複数のさし穂を隣接して立てて支持させる支持手段14と、支持手段14で支持したさし穂100の葉及び枝を含む略全体に常に水が付着している状態を保持するように所定の時間間隔で該さし穂全体にわたって散水する散水手段16と、を含むさし穂の発根装置10から構成される。【選択図】図1