The present invention provides 11 peptides represented as SEQ ID NO: 1~11 from such as a bass extract. The peptides have the ability of anti- virus and bacteria, and can reduce infections, clean necrotic tissue, and promote debridement so as to facilitate wound healing. Moreover, the peptides can also induce collagen secretion and activate fibroblasts and keratinocytes so as to stimulate angiogenesis. Thus, the peptides of the present invention are suitable for development as a health caring product to help an individual enhance recovery and immunity.本發明提供一種新穎胜肽序列(SEQ NO:1~11),其可萃取自鱸魚,該胜肽具有對抗病毒、細菌、降低傷口感染,並清理壞死組織、幫助傷口清瘡、招集活化更多免疫細胞,同時幫助纖維組織分泌膠原蛋白,活化纖維母細胞與角質細胞、促進血管新生等功效。因此,該些胜肽對於促進傷口癒合、膠原蛋白增生、血管新生、活化免疫細胞與降低傷口感染均具有良好之效果,適合開發作為保健素材,供給體弱或術後修復者使用,幫助其復原並增進其免疫力。