FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to medicine. Device for obtaining information on individual, containing: light source configured to emit light, acoustic wave detector configured to detect photo acoustic wave in multiple points, formed, when individual is exposed to light, and distribution of multiple detection signals, corresponding to multiple points and signal processing unit configured to obtain information on optical characteristics in region of interest inside individual based on plurality of detection signals. At that, signal processing unit is configured to obtain information on optical characteristics in region of interest, using part of plurality of signals of detection and information on intensity of light radiation in region of interest, corresponding to part of plurality of detection signals, and without use of other part of plurality of detection signals, excluding part of plurality of detection signals, and information on intensity of light radiation in region of interest, corresponding to other part of plurality of signals of detection. Method of obtaining information on optical characteristics in region of interest inside individual based on multiple detection signals, generated by detecting photo acoustic wave generated in response to optical radiation, containing stage of obtaining information on optical characteristics in region of interest.EFFECT: using given invention enables to accurately determine value of optical characteristics.14 cl, 5 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к области медицины. Устройство для получения информации о субъекте, содержащее: световой источник, выполненный с возможностью испускания света, детектор акустических волн, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения во множестве точек фотоакустической волны, формируемой, когда субъект облучается светом, и выдачи множества сигналов обнаружения, соответствующих множеству точек и блок обработки сигнала, выполненный с возможностью получения информации о значении оп