The invention relates to agriculture, particularly to a herbicidal composition and a method of use thereof for controlling undesirable vegetation in sugar beet crops.The composition, according to the invention, comprises at least five Group A components, consisting of: phenmedipham, desmedipham, ethofumesate, lenacil, chlopyralid, triflusulfuron-methyl, chloridazon, quinmerak, metamitron, dimethenamid-P, s-metolachlor and metazachlor and at least one Group B component, consisting of: tepraloxydim, haloxyfop-R-methyl ester, fluazifop-P-butyl, clethodim, quizalofop-P-ethyl, quizalofop-P-tefuryl, propaquizafop, cetoxidim, in a ratio of Group A components and one Group B component(s) of (0.5…1.5) : (0.7…0.06) respectively.The method, according to the invention, provides for the treatment of plants 1…3 times with the herbicidal composition by aerial application with a consumption of the working solution of 5…50 L/ha, and by ground application with a consumption of 50…200 L/ha.