Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научно-технический центр "Мепотекс" (RU)
Карпов Дмитрий Алексеевич (RU),Шишов Николай Михайлович (RU)
1. Coronary stent with a combined surface to restore and / or maintain the lumen of the blood vessel, made in the form of a perforated cylindrical tube, characterized in that the material of the stent used elastoplastic material of construction, and on the stent surface a two-layer coating is of the same inorganic biocompatible material, the first inner coating layer has a dense structure and completely covers the surface of the stent structural material and a second outer coating layer is saturated with drug preparatom.2. Coronary stent according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the combined two-layer coating made of carbon allotropes including graphite, fullerenes, diamond-like structure, graphite, or titanium, or zirconium, or their soedineniy.3. Coronary stent according to any one of claims. 1 and 2, characterized in that the second outer coating layer has a porous structure with open porami.4. Coronary stent according to any one of claims. 1 and 2, characterized in that the saturation of the second outer coating layer is carried out by evaporation medicament drug during the deposition of this layer, the saturation degree ratio is regulated precursor vapor flows preparata.5 coating and drug. Coronary stent according to claim. 3, characterized in that the saturation of the second outer layer covering the medicament is carried from the liquid phase by wetting the porous coating layer with an open pore liquid medicinal preparatom.6. Coronary stent according to any one of claims. 1 and 2, characterized in that the1. Коронарный стент с комбинированным покрытием для восстановления и/или сохранения просвета кровеносного сосуда, выполненный в виде перфорированной цилиндрической трубки, характеризующийся тем, что в качестве материала стента используется упругопластичный конструкционный материал, а на поверхность стента нанесено двухслойное покрытие из одного и того же неорганического биосовместимого материала, при этом первый внутренний слой покрытия имеет плотную стру