Although the damage and/or surgical restoration of the cutting tendon and rehabilitation are supported, it is the device and the method for the surgery of being used. With one execution form of this invention, as for the device, the inside and the outside, it possesses the oral section, the shaft, and the apex section of flare condition, desirably the part funnel and/or it has the hollow component which does the form of the cone. The device furthermore, may include the thin long handle in order to make operation easy, the same device as a transplantation type is good and as a non transplantation type it is good. This invention furthermore, the flexor tendon which is cut off and/or in the restoration region, has disclosed the method of making the edge of the pulley of the flexor tendon sheath pass.< Selective figure >Figure 9b損傷及び/又は切断腱の外科的修復とリハビリテーションを支援するのに使用される外科用装置及び方法である。本発明の1つの実施形態では、装置は、内面と外面、フレア状の口部、シャフト部、及び頂端部を有する、望ましくは部分漏斗及び/又は円錐の形状をした中空部材を備えている。装置は、更に、操作を容易にするための薄肉の細長いハンドルを含んでいてもよく、同装置は移植型としてもよいし非移植型としてもよい。本発明は、更に、切断された屈筋腱及び/又は修復部位に、屈筋腱鞘のプーリーの縁部を通過させる方法を開示している。【選択図】図9b