The invention relates to medicine, in particular to medical equipment, and can be used for surgical treatment of large intestine and rectum diseases.According to the invention the surgical suturing apparatus consists of a body (1) made in the form of a flexible pull rod, one end of which is provided with a fixed handle (2), to which is attached a movable handle (3), between the handles is placed a safety catch (4). The movable handle (3) is connected by a pull-in flexible rod, situated inside the body, to a brace extension mechanism, the other end of the body is made with an external thread for the fixation of a circular cartridge (5) with braces, the brace extension mechanism is actuated by the movable handle (3). At the same time, the apparatus is provided with a pull-in system, including a threaded connection placed inside the fixed handle (2), which comprises a rod with thread at one end and a nut, the rod with thread is provided with a binding head (8), installed at the free end of the fixed handle (2) of the apparatus, and the opposite end of the rod with thread is connected by a flexible rod (6) to a hemispherical anvil (7), installed at the opposite end of the body (1), namely above the cartridge (5), at the same time the length of the device is 55…60 cm.Invenţia se referă la medicină, în special la tehnica medicală, şi poate fi utilizată pentru tratamentul chirurgical al afecţiunilor intestinului gros şi ale rectului.Conform invenţiei aparatul chirurgical pentru aplicarea suturilor constă dintr-un corp (1) executat în formă de bară flexibilă, un capăt al căreia este dotat cu un mâner fix (2) de care este fixat un mâner activ (3), iar între mânere este amplasată o siguranţă (4). Mânerul activ (3) este unit prin intermediul unei tije flexibile de tracţiune din interiorul corpului cu un mecanism de exteriorizare a scoabelor, celălalt capăt al corpului este executat cu filet exterior pentru fixarea unui cartuş circular (5) cu scoabe, mecanismul de exteriorizare