A device for counting Objects’ show up number includes a sensing unit, a processing unit, a capturing unit and a storage unit. The sensing unit detects objects’ characters and sending a trigger signal to the processing unit. The processing unit receives the trigger signal and sends a shutter control signal to the capturing unit. The capturing unit receives the shutter control signal to catch information of an object. The processing unit analyzes the information to obtain at least one feature. The storage unit has a feature database including a plurality of object types. Each object type has a plurality of features. The analyzed feature is compared with the features in the feature database to obtain the object type corresponding to the analyzed feature, and the show up number of the object type is counted by adding 1. The result of counting is saved in the storage unit.一種待測物出現次數記錄裝置,包括一感測單元、一處理單元、一擷取裝置以及一儲存單元。感測單元用以偵測一待測物的特性,並發出一觸發訊號,處理單元係接收該觸發訊號並發出一驅動訊號,擷取裝置係接收該驅動訊號並擷取該待測物的訊息,儲存單元儲存有一特徵資料庫,該特徵資料庫具有複數個特徵,每一該特徵對應於一待測物種類,其中,該處理單元解析該訊息後得到至少一解析特徵,將該解析特徵與該等特徵做比對而得到該特徵所對應的待測物種類,並對該解析特徵所對應的待測物種類進行計數,該計數的結果係儲存在該儲存單元中。10‧‧‧感測單元20‧‧‧處理單元30‧‧‧擷取裝置40‧‧‧儲存單元50‧‧‧通訊單元60‧‧‧使用者裝置70‧‧‧顯示裝置100‧‧‧待測物出現次數記錄裝置