For cooling organs and tissues in transplantation medicine, only ice preparations are used so far which are not soft like a gel and are brought to the necessary degree of comminution by mechanically comminuting frozen, sterile, pyrogen-free isotonic infusion solutions, such as 5% glucose or 0.9% saline, with great effort. The lack of gel-like consistency of the preparations and the expensive production process are very disadvantageous.Therefore, it was necessary to produce a cooling preparation for transplantation medicine, which in a temperature range from −5° C. to 4° C. is gel-like and soft, transparent and sufficiently mechanically stable and yet remains formable. In accordance with the invention, such preparation can be produced from gelatin solutions in the concentration range of 3-20 wt-%, which are isotonized or adjusted to 280-650 mosmol/kg and are almost pH-neutral, by simple cooling and/or freezing.