A mixture of a biologically active substance based on folk science and a related agricultural toxicity leading to actionFrom the agricultural cultivation of a related plant, it can be seen that time-related results are the same in terms of quantity, quality and enhancement ability.
a. Organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; organic additives; S. By soluci amp; oacute; n ventiiva en agr amp; Iacute; cola, widely used as an auxiliary for inter amp; crop cultivation; eacute; s agr amp; Iacute; cola,The main objectives are to promote enhanced agricultural and plant protection; oacute; n agriculture and plant protection; oacute; inter amp; toxicity; eacute; s, improving control and / or productivity of insects, diseases and weeds in harvesting agriculture and plants; Iacute; the tail of inter amp; eacute; s; and Therefore, a kind of mixture is designed, which can be the mixture of S amp; oacute; the mixture of Lida, or the mixture of L amp; Iacute; the mixture of quida (ML),One of the main components is folklore and ampere; Iacute; Na (x),It is best from bioactive substances, as well as agriculture and amperometric, oacute, inter amp; eacute, s (y),It may be a herbicide (Y1),1. Fungicide (Y2) or insecticide (Y3) lt; P gt;<;p>;MEZCLA DE UN BIOSTIMULANTE A BASE DE FOLCISTEÍ;NA Y UN AGROTÓ;XICO DE INTERÉ;S ; QUE DA COMO RESULTADO UNA ACCIÓ;N CUANTITATIVA, CUALITATIVA Y POTENCIADORA DE RESULTADOS RELACIONADA CON EL TIEMPO, COMO SE OBSERVÓ; EN UN CULTIVO AGRÍ;COLA DE UNA PLANTA DE INTERÉ;S, REPRESENTADA POR UNA SOLUCIÓ;N INVENTIVA EN EL SECTOR AGRÍ;COLA, CON UN AMPLIO ESPECTRO DE USO COMO UN AGENTE AUXILIAR EN EL CULTIVO DE PLANTAS DE INTERÉ;S AGRÍ;COLA, CON EL OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL DE PROMOVER LA POTENCIACIÓ;N DE LA EFICACIA DE UNA SUSTANCIA AGROTÓ;XICA DE INTERÉ;S, QUE DA COMO RESULTADO UN CONTROL MEJORADO DE INSECTOS, ENFERMEDADES Y MALA