The present invention in the late elderly expansion and contraction weakened testicles , is to provide a testicle for net bandage to adapt . A at both ends of the cylindrical net bandage body is provided with a rib knit 2, 3 narrowed one of ribbed 2 , the other end 3 and testicles for net bandage 1, which has a thick , cylindrical further round the cardboard to make a guide , said said it covered with a net bandage 1 to guide , then inside to insert the testicle that was spread the guide , that you pull out the guide while pulling the net bandage body in testicle side to the opposite side of the testicle in net bandage 1 for wearable testicle .BACKGROUND .【課題】睾丸の伸縮が弱くなった後期高齢者に、適応する睾丸用ネット包帯を提供する。【解決手段】円筒形のネット包帯本体の両端にリブ編み2、3を設け、一方のリブ編み2を細め、もう片方3を太めとした睾丸用ネット包帯1とし、さらに厚紙を丸めて円筒形のガイドを作り、前記ガイドに前記ネット包帯1を被せて、次に前記ガイドを広げた内部に睾丸を挿入し、前記ネット包帯本体を睾丸側に引っ張りながら前記ガイドを睾丸の反対側に抜くことで装着可能な睾丸用ネット包帯1。【選択図】図1