This invention provides a minimally invasive multi-function ophthalmic laser system for the treatment of presbyopia and glaucoma. The said ophthalmic laser System consists of a footswitch, a touch screen control panel and a fiber to deliver the output light to the hand piece. The said hand piece delivers the laser energy to the eye treated area. The said output light has a wavelength of 750 to 1305 nm produced from a silod state lasr, diode laser or a fiber laser. It could be a cw or pulsed light having a pulse width of 2 nano-second to 1000 micro-second and laser power of 0.1 to 10 W at the treated area. The treated patterns to coagulate, ablate or evaporate the ciliary body include at least 3 round dots in any symmetric patterns which is produced by means of manual, electric-control scanning, multiple lasers or fibers output and via ocular slit lamp.一種微創型治療老視及青光眼之眼科雷射治療儀。該雷射治療儀主機包括:一腳踏開關,一個觸控面板以及一光纖將輸出光與一個手柄連接;該手柄將雷射能量傳輸到眼球治療部位。該輸出光經由包括光波長750到1350奈米之固體雷射,半導體雷射或光纖雷射(fiber laser)產生。該輸出光可以是連續式出光或脈沖式出光,脈沖寬為2奈秒到1000微秒。脈沖輸出頻率為1到1,000赫茲(Hz),輸出功率在治療部位為0.1瓦到5瓦。該眼球眼治療區熱凝,氣化或切除睫狀肌(ciliary body)之治療圖形包括至少三個圓點之任意對稱圖形。治療圖形產生方式可經由包括:手動,電動掃描,多個雷射輸出光,多個光纖輸出光以及經由眼科列隙燈。(10)‧‧‧主機(11)‧‧‧電源連接線(12)‧‧‧腳踏開關連接線(13)‧‧‧警急開關鈕(20)‧‧‧觸控面板(14)‧‧‧偶合器(15)‧‧‧光纖(30)‧‧‧手柄