FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to animal feeds, namely to using a first amino acid selected from the group consisting of glycine, alanine, cysteine, histidine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, serine, tryptophan and tyrosine, or a mixture of two or more of the above, and a second amino acid selected from the group consisting of aspartic acid, cystine, glutamic acid, glutamine, isoleucine, lysine, ornithine, threonine, valine, proline, and hydroxyproline, or a mixture of two or more of above, and one or more furanones. The invention relates to the first amino acid, the second amino acid and one or more furanones for use in increasing the approval of a pet food by a companion animal. The invention relates to a pet food comprising the aforementioned components. The invention relates to a method for increasing the feed approval by a companion animal, comprising providing an animal with access to the food containing the aforementioned components. The invention relates to a process of obtaining the above pet food, which comprises the stages of adding and mixing at least one first amino acid, at least one second amino acid, and one or more furanones with the pet food. The invention relates to the method of increasing the feed palatability, including adding in the feed, during the production process or after it, the first amino acid, the second amino acid, and one or more furanones. The invention relates to a pet food obtained by the aforementioned method.EFFECT: increasing the palatability of a feed for a companion animal.16 cl, 13 dwg, 17 tbl, 10 exИзобретение относится к животным кормам, а именно к применению первой аминокислоты, выбранной из группы, состоящей из глицина, аланина, цистеина, гистидина, лейцина, метионина, фенилаланина, серина, триптофана и тирозина или смеси двух или более из перечисленных, и второй аминокислоты, выбранной из группы, состоящей из аспарагиновой кислоты, цистина, глутаминовой кислоты, глутамина, изолейцина, лизина, орнит